How your Clothes Change the Way you Feel
You have probably noticed how different outfits can affect your mood. You know when you put on a gorgeous dress, and you feel more confident and happy? You stand a little taller, you have a swing in your step, you smile more. And other people start to notice too. People compliment you on your outfit which in turn gives you an extra boost.
This isn’t imaginary either, numerous studies have shown that what we wear affects our behavior, attitudes, personality, mood, confidence, and even the way we interact with others. This is called ‘Enclothed Cognition’.
Several studies also show that how we feel upon waking can affect our choice of outfit and subsequent moods.
I know that often when I wake up on the wrong side of the bed or I’m feeling under the weather, I’m more inclined to choose an uninspired outfit to match my mood. And I’m not alone.
A 2012 study by Professor Karen Pine, from the psychology department at the University of Hertfordshire in Britain, found 57 per cent of women admitted to wearing a baggy top when depressed, compared to a 2 per cent wearing one when feeling happy. Similarly, 62 per cent would put on a favourite dress when happy, compared to 6 per cent when sad.
So with that information in mind, let’s aim to have a ‘happy wardrobe’ and always dress in clothes that make us feel good, even on our uninspired or grumpy days. You might just turn that bad mood around and have a fabulous day!
Here are some interesting ways that clothing changes our mood and behaviour